A Definitive Guide To Recycle Your IT Assets For Cash In Canada

IT assets

It is not at all recommended to throw used IT assets like monitor, CPU, printer, scanner, keyboard, and mouse in the trash no matter if they might still be in good shape or completely junky. For one thing, there are tons of contaminants inside such products that can critically hurt the environment if they end up in a landfill, and for another, throwing away even a broken device is essentially throwing away money!

If you are familiar with what you are doing, you can either sell the used IT assets for cash or donate them to a good cause. The following are a few promising and professionally recommended ways to go about it eco-friendly:

Trade IT assets in for cash

There are a lot of retailers that offer trade-in programs and provide you with cash for used IT assets. Trade-in programs offered by Target let you exchange old laptops, phones, and a lot more for a gift card. Amazon will pay you for your old Kindle. Best Buy lets you trade-in or by mail for gift cards toward the trade up. And if you send in the used Apple products to Apple’s Recycling Program and they are still worth something. You will get a gift card with that amount to use towards future Apple purchases.

Donate used IT assets to a cause you care about

Did you know, to help keep women safe from domestic violence, some battered women’s shelters use donated phones? Or that a lot of schools, non-profits, and churches are in dire need of well-kept up desktops, laptops, and tablets? If you have got IT assets to get rid of and would like to help make the world a better place, mull over donating to reBOOT Canada, which is one of the registered charities dedicated to refurbishing donated IT assets for families, charities, and nonprofits.

If you would like to make a more local donation, call up non-profits, shelters, and schools in your area. There are a lot of them that likely take used IT assets as donations, and you will be directly helping the community around you.

If it is broken or simply too old to sell or donate, dispose of it safely

There are service providers, such as TechReset, that offer recycling services for IT assets that are not safe to toss in a landfill. There are even recycling kiosks inside a lot of stores where you can drop off old cables, cords, wires, batteries, and ink and toner cartridges. Techreset gives you cash for your old items.

Rather than simply dumping the used IT assets in any random place, or throwing them in the trash, it is always worth approaching TechReset to get them recycled. You can even get cash to give your old products. It is one of the best options that you can always rely on that can save the environment as well. For more details, feel free to drop an e-mail at mark@techreset.com or give a call at 905 510 8969.