Compliant E-Waste Disposal In The Education Industry

IT assets E-Waste Recycling

Education E-Waste Is A New and Increasing Issue.

There is no denying that technology has become an enormous component of the education industry. From administration to the classroom, there is a vast range of technology from smartphones and tablets to laptops and peripherals. The same as anything else, technology in school boards, colleges and universities has a lifecycle. When technology ages, breaks or becomes outdated, it needs to be disposed of.

However, in today’s day and era, safe e-waste disposal in Toronto isn’t a simple task. Topping the list are environmental and privacy concerns.

Education E-Waste – Environmental & Privacy Concerns

A lot of the components and materials are harmful to the environment. Moreover, a considerable share o e-waste can be recycled. In terms of privacy, there is a noteworthy amount of sensitive personal, intellectual and business information contained on obsolete educational technology.

Even though a device is no longer in service, educational institutions still have to abide by privacy laws and follow secure data disposal processes for EOL (end of life electronics). The MFIPPA (Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act) applies to the governance of personal data for school boards and other local government institutions.

Developing a Compliant E-Waste Program for Education

Initially, we have mentioned compliance a couple of times, but we have not defined it. Compliance means following the prescribed rules and guidelines. In other words, it means complying with laws and legal requirements. If you are beginning from scratch, there are four fundamental steps:

  • Perform a risk evaluation – Be familiar with what sorts of technology you’ve got to dispose of, what sorts of data are stored on such devices, if that data is being held past its intended use and if these electronics contain hazardous materials. One more component of the evaluation process is also recognizing which regulations apply and the ways to obey them.
  • Put policies and processes in place – Once you are familiar with what you need to do, come up with a plan to perform it efficiently.
  • Find qualified partners – Search for secure, compliant and certified services for electronic recycling and ITAD in Mississauga such as TechReset. Make sure that their certifications include ISO 14001, OHSAS, R2, and NAID.
  • Make the process repeatable – Educate and train staff on the correct policies and procedures.

Reuse, Recover & Recycle

There is escalating pressure to cut the amount of waste going to landfills. As the places that care for future generations of thought leaders, educational institutions are held to a higher standard. With the correct e waste disposal partner, you can meet and even surpass such standards.

TechReset is a leader in electronics recycling and the circular economy. We help you recycle:

  • Peripheral devices, printers, and monitors
  • Printer cartridges
  • Networking and storage equipment
  • Laptop and desktop computers
  • Wires, cables, and circuit boards
  • Mobile devices, tablets, and cell phones

When your business has a high volume of electronic waste in Mississauga, we will also come to pick it up on-site.

Recovering Value

TechReset helps you get the most out of the value returned to you by recovering and refurbishing as many of your electronics as possible, and when suitable, providing you with money back! When a product can’t be reused, recovered or recycled, we will dispose of it in the safest, most responsible approach. In every instance, regardless of what path each piece of waste takes, we make sure that any secure data is removed. For this, you can always count on our Secure Data Erasure services.

Find a Reliable Partner

Work with a certified partner for e waste recycling in Toronto who understands the distinctive need of educational institutions. Contact TechReset at 905-510-8969 or drop an e-mail at to see how we can help you with your educational e-waste!