Obsolete Equipment

Disposing of Obsolete Equipment

The rate of change in IT is staggering. New products are faster, cheaper, with more features, and more storage.  The lifetime of mobile devices such as laptops or phones is now just 2 years, with 3 years for desktops, storage, and servers.

A move to Cloud services leaves you with plenty of unwanted assets. All of this leads to an increasing volume of obsolete IT equipment that needs to be disposed of properly.

Updating hardware and software can give you increased productivity and reduce IT operating costs, but the benefits will be eroded unless you maximize the return on your obsolete equipment when you dispose of it.

Why you need help with obsolete equipment

IT asset disposition is not for the inexperienced. As a minimum, you must ensure that all data is completely and securely erased from the devices. Otherwise, you will be in breach of data protection legislation and at risk of your data being compromised.

Unused equipment takes up valuable storage space. Tighter environmental protection laws are being introduced both federally and provincially to prevent IT equipment from ending up in landfills, so just throwing it away is not a viable option.

TechReset can take these headaches away from you. Our professional IT asset disposition services can take the obsolete equipment off your hands, guarantee secure destruction of data, and get you the best possible resale value and return on your original investment.

Obsolete Equipment

Gaining value from your obsolete equipment

We are experts at getting the best value from obsolete IT equipment.

  • Our experienced team can turn your obsolete IT assets into saleable items.
  • Our commitment to redeployment uses the best practices in the industry to evaluate, sort, and salvage inventory that can be repurposed.  
  • We use a network of trusted partners to get you the best possible resale values.
Obsolete Equipment

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Secure data erasure on obsolete equipment

Data is now one of the most valuable commodities in today’s business world.  If your company data got into the wrong hands, the harm could be catastrophic for your organization, your employees, and your customers.

TechReset data destruction services provide world-class solutions for the effective and reliable destruction of all data for all types of data storage.

Our data destruction services meet or exceed all relevant industry regulations and standards and are fully auditable. We provide you with erasure reports certifying that the data has been destroyed using ITAD best practices.

Data Centre Decommissioning​

Environmental considerations

We strive to limit the environmental impact caused by IT equipment that has been disposed of improperly. More than 90% of the equipment we recover is resold, repurposed, or donated.

Receiving official verification that your equipment has successfully avoided disposal into a landfill is essential. We provide our clients with a Certificate of Remarketing and Landfill Diversion to prove that the proper disposal channels were used.

See how we can help you deal with obsolete equipment

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