Planning a Technology Refresh?

How to Dispose of your old and used Technology

Does your organization have a policy for a continual technology refresh or a plan that replaces IT assets every few years to take advantage of new technologies?

Every technology refresh leads to an excess of IT equipment that is no longer required. This includes complete devices like servers, laptops, and PCs and components like monitors and hard drives and ancillary equipment like phones and keyboards.

Whatever your strategy, scrapping the replaced equipment is never a good approach. Every IT asset has value, even if you no longer have a use for it.

TechReset can help you to maximize that value through resale or reuse by using their experience and skills in IT asset disposition (ITAD).  

How we can help you with your used technology

Our experienced team can help you in several ways, including:

  • Helping you to develop a technology refresh program that optimizes revenue from older technology assets.
  • Performing safe and secure removal of all surplus equipment, including laptops, computers, monitors, switches, data storage devices, and servers.
  • Secure destruction of data to federal, provincial, and international government standards.
  • Brokering the sale of your used IT equipment, using our professional network to find the best resale value for you.

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Redeployment as an option for used technology

TechReset can turn your older IT equipment into usable equipment. Our commitment to redeployment uses the best practices in the industry to evaluate, sort, and salvage inventory that could be redeployed within your own organization. This process can provide you with continued use of older IT equipment that has been data sanitized, tested, refurbished, and repackaged.

IT Asset Audit
Used Technology

Getting the best from used technology resale

By partnering with us, your company can recover value from any used IT equipment. TechReset’s professional service ensures that all of your data and information is completely wiped from the IT assets before resale. We then work with our network of experienced value-added resellers to get you the best price possible for selling your used technology.

You might be surprised just how much value your used equipment has. Since 2009 we have generated an income of more than $5 million for one of our long-standing clients in the Education sector through the resale of refreshed laptops.

See how much your IT equipment is worth

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Zero landfill initiative

We strive to limit the environmental impact caused by IT equipment that has been disposed of improperly. More than 90% of the equipment we recover is resold, repurposed, or donated.

As an ISO 14001 Environmental certified institution, we have a zero-landfill initiative policy. Upon disposal of any materials that cannot be repurposed, a Certificate of Landfill Diversion is provided to confirm that all your material has been disposed of using the proper channels.


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